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사단법인 대한사랑大韓史郞’은 잃어버린 우리 문화와 역사를 되찾고, 한민족사의 국통맥을 바로 세워 대한의 밝은 미래를 개척하려는 역사문화운동 단체입니다...

Daehan History and Culture Association(DHCA) is an organization that supports the historical and cultural movement to recover the lost history and culture of Korea by correctly re-establishing the national lineage of the Korean Civilization for a brighter future of the Daehan...

Books We recommend About Korea

A Trip to the Museums in Korea:

A must have book when touring Korea.
A must read book if interested in Korean history, culture and philosophy

A Trip to the Museums in Korea_coverA Trip to the Museums in Korea_back
A Trip to the Museums in Korea_kr_cover2A Trip to the Museums in Korea_kr_cover2

The Three Gates of Enlightenment:

Awakening to the Original Spiritual Culture of Humanity


You will find the secrets and essence of spirituality and meditation culture based on 6000 years' Korean history.


True History of Korea

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